Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The young and the Old

Jaiden's fears as of late.

Kai's fears as of late.
"growing a BIG belly."

Today, we had sis. Beulah over from the branch. I helped her do her RS calling for a bit and then we played. Well, the kids played with her mostly. I just sat back, relaxed and watched Beulah and my boys interact. I just can't help but think that the Lord really likes to see the young and the old playing together. There's so much beauty in that.

Today's lesson by Beulah was "TEETH"
Jaiden, who spotted Beulah with NO teeth when she arrived, was mesmerized and asked to see her "teeth." To that, the rather large JOLLY woman in her sixties laughed so hard, I literally thought she'd fall out of her chair. She was in tears from laughing so hard. She pulled out her dentures from her rather dingy looking bag and clanked the pink and white plastic together.

You betcha.

{So that's all it takes to get their attention?!}

They sat there open mouthed, just watching Beulah as she clasped the upper and lower sets of teeth in her big hands.
"Brush your teeth, boys! Brush 'em goooood."
she said.

I think that message was clear.

Anyway, Beulah and the kids had other moments and I just enjoyed listening to her big hearty laughs, as well as the little children's tiny and happy giggles.

Beulah thanked me over and over for the time she was given to spend with us.
I thanked her too, for being here with us.

You see, once upon a time, Beulah had a son too, but he was "taken home."
Beulah admitted that it does her good to spend time with these boys and how she just hates sitting her home alone sometimes, because her mind takes her to "dark places."

What a neat thing it has been for us to be able to spend this time together. The young and the old, and then there's me, just watching and feeling the love that can be felt when there are two generations of people with no commonalities between them. They simply enjoy each other for what they have to offer. The old, their wisdom and experiences to the young, and the young, their vibrant energy and unconditional love for the old. Then there's me, sometimes unable to enjoy the day to day hustle and bustle and all the crazy chaotic life I'm in, but somehow, when I sat there listening and watching the three of them play together, I was reminded of the verse:

The hearts of the fathers will be turned to their children, and their children's hearts will be turned to their fathers.

And so it was today, in my humble abode.

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