Monday, August 15, 2011

A Present for Mama


I finally finish another long presidency meeting and tiredly walk upstairs.
I find Kai still up, just smiling at me.
As I go in to tuck him in for the night(once and for all), he whispers to me;
"mama, I have a present for you"
(all in Japanese)
me: "oh ya? How about I see it tomorrow?"
Kai: "ok, but it's on the couch :)" he said with a smile.
Curious to see what it was, and not wanting to let him down, I decided to go see what it could be. Usually, it's a drawing--or something made of legos, or...well, I was just thinking of the usuals--which are nice, of course, but I'm just letting you know what I was thinking.

When I turned the lights on in the loft and gazed over at the couch, I gasped. LITERALLY.
I had to think.
Did I do that?
no, did Ronny do that? No wait, he's in California...did I? No...
I shouted.
but not in rage, but out of sheer shock.

I saw two neat piles of laundry....FOLDED.
I. C.O.U.L.D N.O.T B.E.L.I.E.V.E I.T.
Kai came shyly out of his room with a big smile on his face.
I don't even know why, but tears filled my eyes!
Shirts and pants were neatly and squarely folded, even the white socks were neatly folded and stacked on top of each other.
I just knelt right there on the floor and hugged the little man in my arms and thanked him.
He was so happy, that little proud face!

What a neat little kid I have, huh?
Out of all the things he could have been doing tonight, or could have done for me, he must have thought; what would help my mom the most? I can only imagine that just then, he laid eyes on the mountain pile of clean laundry I quickly threw on the floor between meals, baths, bedtimes and Relief Society meetings, wondering when on earth I was ever going to find the time to get on my knees to fold them.
Oh, how I love this child! He just has the heart of an angel.

{picture to be posted later--too tired right now}

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! He get's the example from you, ALWAYS serving others! What a great mother and example you are!
