Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Little Gym

I've been feeling more and more that Kai's ready for more structure in his life, so I took him to a trial class at the Little Gym this week! A bit pricey, but I think we liked it enough to pay.

This is the first time he's been in a "structured" event with kids his age, but he did so well!
A bit more anxious to get out to the play things and do the things the instructor was telling the kids to do ONE KID AT A TIME, but he learned fast to sit and listen and then obey.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I've been thinking about the principle of self-reliance A LOT lately.

What does it mean to be self-reliant and how do you teach a bunch of adults and youth the principle that is so wrapped around the teachings of the gospel?
The gospel isn't just about what we can or shouldn't do.
It's about being self-reliant.
It's ALL about being self-reliant first, then helping others!

I'm beginning to see A LOT of the LACK of self-reliance in this new place that I'm in right now and it's been tugging at my mind that perhaps, this is the most important lesson we can teach those around us...okay, so I'm going to stop beating around the bush.

Our branch needs help.
Major help to get out and get up on their own two feet.
But I'm not talking about just in our new branch.
I've been near a lot of people who think that it's their right to be HANDED things to them. Money, food, housing, EVERYTHING.
How do people not see that receiving an education is one of the most vital things one can do for him/herself in this existence?
Why do people fail to understand the concept and divinity of HARD WORK?
The responsibility as a parent?
The obligation and the beauty of teaching your own children?
The list goes on.

So help me understand or see some things here.
Parents who don't take their children to church activities?
I want to personally ask them; "are you in support of these activities? or is this just another convenient break for you?" Hey, let's face it. These church leaders come to pick the kids up, entertain them for a while, maybe even teach a few good things, get them off of our super dangerous streets, then they even come drop them off when it's done! Life is gooood.

I don't feel it's right that church leaders have to pick children and youth up for church, mutuals, activities, primary outings and every other thing in between. But really, what do you do?
(and please, I do understand helping out, I really do)

So for my Relief Society activities that I'm to be planning for this year, I've decided to really focus on what it is that this branch needs--more than materialistic things, what is it that I/we can teach them that will actually EMPOWER them?!

Girly pedicures and crafty things are great, but I'm talking business.

Let's learn how to;
Use and operate a computer!
("this is called a computer")

(oh boy)

(what is that?)
(maybe this would even help members to start paying tithing?)

Learn about Church resources such as the employment programs--
(NOT free handouts for those who are truly in need of them!!)

Using public resources to help one's self such as coupons--
(NOT free handout programs that the government hands out)

Someone told me the other day that people look at me (me personally) and say; she has a "nice" car, a beautiful home, a nice family and she has "nice" clothes--why?
whoa. I'm not dissing my wonderful "white" husband, but what a blow to the face.

There's so much praying I need to do and so much support I will be needing from all, but
if there's one thing I will see to it that gets done before we leave this place, it is
that this branch will have become better because they will have learned to help themselves and by so doing,
become an EMPOWERED little branch.
so help me God!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


We also painted the side walls of the kitchen. The same blue-gray that we have in our living room and in our bedroom. Doesn't look too bad, eh? I want to spray paint that ugly brown pot (lemon tree) to a more fun color! Make it PoP! The art on the wall comes from a "no rules" painting day that Kai and I had a couple of weeks ago. Kind of fun, huh? :)

Master Suite

We switched up our master bedroom too.
Though I don't feel it's quite "completed" yet, I do hope to capture a ZEN and a romantic place for us in here. Some place we can "get away" to, and some place that's JUST "us".
No kids, no toys, nothing but US and ZEN. :)
For now though, there's an accent wall and the bed was lowered to create a larger headboard, $15 bookshelves were added instead of night stands, and the iron candle holder gives romantic lighting, sets the mood (don't think too much about it ;) and serves also as a unique "divider" from our reading space in the corner on the opposite side of the room. And yes, we also put our newly painted dresser too!

Jewelry Display

{Boy, spelling "Jewelry" was hard! I had to keep looking at up! lol}

Well, here's a craft idea I did a few months ago-
Buy a cork board (Target had one for $2.50 in the Dollar section-GREAT price)
Take out the cork and cardboard backing
Choose favorite fabric from around the house or get some
Staple the fabric on the cork board
that's it.

I also spray painted the push pins black to match the fabric I had chosen-
Put in push pins and hang your jewelry!
Great gift idea!

Friday, January 22, 2010

DIY-so THAT'S what it means!

I've never been one to buy many things NEW or pay full price for something,
but I've also not known how to do much about DIY projects.
I'm a fast learner though.

Ronny's been great with all my crazy ideas on fixing things up or hanging things up, he's been patient with me and even supportive and very helpful to say the least. I'll say:
"I'd like this wall painted..." and he just DOES it. He actually DEMOTED me from doing projects because I am not as patient as he is, I just want things to get done, so rush things (hehe), but he sure taught me a lot of new and great things in the process.
So, aside from a few of our rooms painted and redone (with mostly things we already had in the house) we also made a two dressers and a hutch and finally finished today! I LOVE IT. I can't tell you how much.
I sanded it, then Ronny spray painted it with red first, then black. I wasn't sure of the turn out, but HECK YES. I love it.

Really, painting a room/wall/house makes a HUGE difference, the junk lying around your house really begins to pop out and you realize "whoa! I have neat things!" lol
Anyway, thanks to all of you who check in and cheer me on to do fun things! :)
You better love these pieces! ;)

We got these furniture for FREE from Ronny's co-worker, isn't that great?!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Asian Inspired New Living Room

The famous "Before" pic
How you like?
Peace and Serenity...

Plated Purse

Isn't it so cute?! I made it!!
Okay. so I lied a little. Jodi helped A LOT. :)
She's a super talented lady who taught us how to make these Pleated Purses!
I love it!
Her tutorial/blog is:

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So the Question is:
why are Sundays more stressful and tiring than any other days!?
Our branch is super unique. I've been in more than a fair share of TINY PIONEER branches and units of members, but this one seems a bit more challenging to me than any others...
First off, why is it SO hard to be patient with kids during church? My kids cannot sit still. It takes a good while for me to prepare their diaper bag and try to pack creative things to keep their attention...nothing works. And with us meeting in a tiny "house" building, Jaiden's bursts of screams forbids anyone to catch a word of what the speakers are saying. My legs are crammed because there is no space in the tiny living room we congregate in...
I haven't been called to speak or teach a lesson at the very LAST MINUTE during sacrament or sunday school OR relief society either, but I know my turn is coming up.
People just don't show up for talks and lessons...
I love the people we've been able to meet, they are truly special people, but BOY, what a challenge it's already been. Ronny also feels that he's got a big challenge in front of him, being called as the Young Men's president...he has about 3 men who are active enough to come, but you can tell they'd rather not be there...these boys may not have had the proper education/discipline from any other adults, and well, we just ask that you keep us in your prayers. Heaven only knows why we've been sent here...My head hurts, as does Ronny's, trying to think of appropriate things to teach, and activities to plan for these members who are so much like children-in a sense that they seem to be as converts. I don't mean to sound demeaning or uppity-I'm just asking for your prayers. Ronny and I sit here, wondering whether we should throw our hands up in the air...
Prayers would be great.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Smelling the Roses


I tried something new today.
Getting out of bed, I made my usual "To-Do" list. Chore after chore, the list kept getting longer. Nothing new in that, just the same as the day before, and the one before that too.
Then Kai ran in to my bedroom. "Ohayou, mama!" (good morning, mama!) his smile was bright as usual.
I looked down at my list full of black squiggles and paused.
"You know what?! Not today!"
I crumbled up the list and tossed it away.
A blank look on his little face.
A big smile emerges.
"Play with trains! And eat cookies! And paint!"
We painted a portrait on a great white canvas. No rules, no regulations.
Just painting.
We ate cookies and marshmallows for breakfast.
Then, we did what I know little how to do.
Played with train tracks, robots, guns and pretended to be monsters.
What beautiful and sweet kids I have?!
It seemed though I had almost completely forgotten how cute they were lately.
I've been so busy with my to-do list.
Chasing things that will never be done and always requiring my attention.
Although I firmly believe in "personal time," a time when each of us spends our own time away from each other to teach independence, and although I feel that children need to see their parents working, most of the time, I feel as though I create myself a busy schedule, JUST to fill up my time when I'm with them. Anything to get away from having to have to play trains...
My dear friend reminded me the other day, something her mother always told her:
"There will ALWAYS be things that require your attention, but your children will not always be around."
I hope I can remember this better.

Folks, it's a DATE!

So I realize that this isn't the most prettiest picture for all to see, but here it is:

Ronny and I finally got to go on a date last night!!! It's been about five months since the last one (OUT), and we were SO DANG EXCITED! We didn't know what do!! But I tell ya, the simplest things in life is what's most beautiful sometimes. Like dinner in the car at SONIC'S. Nothing romantic about it, nothing fancy about it, but we were TOGETHER.

I'm glad after 5 years of marriage, we can still "remember" how fun it is to be together!




So I did it. At first, I saw how YELLOW it was and I panicked.
But, after a friend came over and told me she liked it, I began to see the beauty in it!
Isn't it funny how that works?
I'd like to add a lemon tree in the corner and do more fun things, but one step at a time! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I haven't shared one of my newest goals this year:


this includes seeing and spending more time with those who matter to me, whether they be friends...or...FRIENDS, because we're just so stinkin' far from our families--
I feel there is SO MUCH to learn from each person who crosses your path in this life. Why am I sitting in my house all day?
I want to be with them, spend time with them. Learn from them.

I want to get out of my comfort zone, and ROUTINE to meet up for playdates, lunches, adventures, walk downtown, dinners, or simply get together to chat and learn different things from these amazing people.

I want to SPLASH my life with COLOR.
I want to stop being so darn afraid of IMPERFECTION and MISTAKES.
I want to splash my life with color. No rules, no regulations. (no baddies)
If I want to paint my walls, PAINT ALREADY! If I want to take piano or dance classes, DO IT ALREADY! What do I always wait for?!

I want to LIVE!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Here am I

My hands are small,
my gifts are few,
my knowledge is limited,
but my desire to follow is strong,
and my will to serve is greater.

"Here am I,
Thy will be done"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday is a Special Day

Saturday is a Special day,
It's a day we get ready for Sunday!

Kind of weird, if you stop and think about it...why always be thinking AHEAD of the moment? Isn't that "not living in the moment?"
I don't think so.

I used to be good at getting ready for Sundays ON SATURDAYS, but have had to renew my commitment to doing so this new year, in order to reduce stress...

Utilizing Saturdays to prepare for Sundays is a great way to reduce unwanted stress come Sunday morning (because let's be honest, in my house, Sundays feel like the WORST days of them all!).
Sundays should be such a special day for all of us.
It's a day the Lord intended for us to REST. Not be LAZY, but REST.
How can we better do that?

1. Know your menus for the upcoming day (left overs are great to not have to cook!) it might even be nice to have food ready for when you come home from church. You know how them kids like to get after church...OKAY OKAY, ME TOO. :I

2. Get yours and the kids' outfits cleaned, ironed, out and ready to go

3. Clean the house-it helps

4. Get your scriptures and other church materials out and ready

5. if you have kids, get the diaper bag ready

6. Do you have to teach a class? Don't wait until Sunday morning to prepare it!

7. Girls, do your nails if that's what you do-or whatever else grooming you do.

And finally, Ronny says; "TAKE A NAP." (^_^)

Get ready for Sunday on SATURDAY.
OH, and this somehow helps in getting to church ON TIME TOO!

Friday, January 8, 2010


So for your sakes, I did not post a picture to go along with this post.

But if you would have seen it, you would have agreed that I reserve the right to go CRAZY in the membrane.

my friend Norma and I were having a lovely time catching up and laughing when I began to smell something stanky..."Norma...?" NAH! I kept turning around looking for the source of the stench, but couldn't find it. Norma who's ability to smell things keenly might have been compromised right now for certain reasons, kept telling me "I don't smell anything!"
"No, I definitely smell something stinky! IT'S BAD!" I said. When I couldn't find the source of it though, I finally put the trash can outside.
"I must be going crazy...I must have thrown away a really bad diaper in here?"
I think to myself.
I don't know when it was that I realized it, but suddenly, a thought came into my head and I ran up the stairs. YUP. The smell was stronger with each climbing step...





why? why? why me? why? why?! why!? why?!?!?!

POOP WAS EVERYWHERE. All Over Jaiden, all over his toys, all over his crib, all over everything.

Don't I reserve the right to go crazy? I think YES. heck, maybe I'm ALREADY CRAZY!? hmm, I have no doubt of it.

My Friends

I often wonder how I'm so blessed with such wonderful friends.
I can't express in enough words how friends have supported me through this life. Different friends, different times, but for sure, the Lord has blessed me SEVERELY
with some amazing friends.
So thank you, to all my friends.
That sounds cheesy, but how else could I make you understand that I'm only here today (okay, and my children ALIVE too!), thanks to you. You've touched my life in so many ways, and when my book is finished, it will be dedicated to you.

Thank you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Warm Homemade cinammon-ey Strawberry Lemonade

So we tried it out and it was pretty good.

Warm Cinammon-ey Strawberry Lemonade!

2 C. Water
1 1/4 C Sugar
Dissolve on med. heat in med. pot
1 1/4 C. Lemon juice
a few strawberries (sliced or mashed)
1 cinnamon stick (of course this is optional)

Add about 2 C. of water as needed
heat to a boil and then let it cool a bit. serve warm
It's great in the winter time!

Karaoke Nite

Singing the Blues away is one of my favorite things! It could be because I'm Japanese too (lol) I went Karaoke-ing the other day!
No embarrassing pictures this time, sorry! :)

Just Cute girls getting together for some un-adulturated fun!