Friday, August 19, 2011

Hello, it's me and my testimony again.

Btw, an old friend of mine wrote me out of the blue today.

Long story short, she asked me if her husband could use an entry from my recent blabberings called "my testimony" (or something like that) in her husband's upcoming Sunday lesson at church.

1. I was super flattered that anyone would be reading my blog
(I know for sure you guys read it, Dayna, Norma and Dee :)

2. I thought. hmm, maybe I need to repent. lol

Repent wouldn't be quite the right word, but point was, that I was reminded that no matter how "simple and of no importance" people think their testimonies are of what they believe in, they--I-- should be sharing it wherever, whenever, with whomever.

I always think; my testimony's of no worth, I have nothing important to say, it's the same old, same old.

so what? I think sometimes we LIKE to feel that we're normal. I think we sometimes NEED to feel that we're okay--that our mediocre testimony--the non-flashy--not wordy--"I believe" testimony is what 99.9% of the people can relate to--but we don't hear it--almost never. Maybe that's why so many of us feel less important a lot of times? Because all we hear up at the podium at fast Sundays, while great, are how people came to know the gospel was true by means of powerfully answered prayers and okay, just plain amazing experiences of which, I'm so far from. (again, those are great stories, thanks for sharing, but I'm just talking about normal people like myself here--I've never experienced such hard core earth shattering witnesses for my testimony)

I just feel it's the right thing.
I just think I don't have anything to lose by believing.
I just...well, I know that I am a daughter of God and that He loves me because whenever I think about it, my heart quiets all other doubts and fears.
That is why I believe.

Thanks Mindee for waking me up. :)


  1. I heard this testimony once, where the guy was a convert of about 8 years. He said when he first joined the church he hated fast and testimony meeting because everyone got up and basically said the same thing. But he said he now KNOWS that each and every person who shares their testimony, has earned it. Earned it through their own efforts to learn what is true. I thought it was beautifully stated. I love your testimony, and your blog :) And I often use your stories to share with my Laurels in class.

  2. ALSO, I was surprised by David not too long ago, who told the missionaries at dinner, that he is so impressed by everyone's testimonies. David doesn't say anything he doesn't mean.
