Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Child who Talked with God.

It's 1am.
My eyes barely see through its slits, my eyelids are so very heavy.
I think I hear a door creak open and I'm quickly dragged out of my dreams.
A little shadow comes drifting my way.

"Mama? Wanna 'snuggle buggle?'"
the little figure says.

Really?! Is this really happening?!
I say.
"get back into bed!"
I can't believe it.
{I am very cranky at night, esp. if I'm woken up and don't know what's going on}

The little man walks out, but begins to sniffle.
I get out of bed, realizing slowly what I have done.
{insert attitude}

I take Kai by the hand and walk him to the potty where the jet stream shoots out into the white bowl and makes tiny bubbles.
I'm impressed.

"now let's get to bed."
I carry the little munchkin back to bed and lay him down.
"I'm scared."
he says.
"don't be scared."
I retort.
"now goodnight."
I leave the door a crack open.

Back into my sheets, I roll around trying to find the perfect spot.
Ah yes, there it is; now where was I.
My thoughts begin to drift away slowly.

Clink. Clank! Smash!
Mysterious but joyous sounds come from the room next door.
Now my husband's upset.
He's storming out the bedroom.
"don't get too....."
he doesn't hear me.
He comes back, huffing and puffing after tucking the little dude in bed once and for all.
{He's also not a very nice guy when he's awoken suddenly!}

That should be it.
We tell ourselves, and wander off again into dreamland.
The clouds...birthday parties...weird bearded people...wizards and aliens...
Suddenly, I hear LOUD TALKING.

Oh no....
I fear for the worse.
Ronny's FURIOUS now and flies through the door and into the corridor.
I hold my breath for the madness to be unleashed.
{folks, he's not going to hurt the darn thing, no worries}
Suddenly, I can hear two distinctive things go down.
I hear my husband actually stop dead in his tracks.
It's an odd thing, but you CAN hear that.
The other voice continues to talk very loud.

Then, all goes silent.
Ronny walks quietly back into the room and grabs his pillow and begins to walk out again, this time as if something came over him.
"Where are you going? What happened?"
What just went down?
I stop him.

"He's... talking to 'Heavenly Father'..."

The man who had just flew out the door furious from being woken up said quietly.
"I'm going to go lay down with him."

The clock now flickered the bright neon '2am.'
And there you have it.

His parents shushed by the humbleness of the little child who felt the need to wake up at 1am to talk to his Creator.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! This is so sweet! Kai & J are the BEST!

    (Good job Ronny, too! Nothing like a good dad.)

