I wished I was better at posting pictures along with my entries...'cuz I've got some cuute pics of the kids and what we've been up to these days...but alas, I'm not that person and I'm definitely not posting any pics tonight. {Too lazy.}
Anyway, I'm happy to announce that I've LOVED this week.
Odd, because Ronny's been gone.
Or is it odd?
No, but I really have been enjoying this week. Yes, I'm ready for Ronny to be home, and YES! I'm very excited to see him manana, but I've enjoyed almost every single second of the time I had alone with the boys.
...I've noticed how much Kai's grown up. He helps better and listens better. He's even been speaking NON-STOP Japanese to me. Which, to me is HUGE. It's what I grew up with, it's where my heart is-it's what I relate to, and so even if no one else speaks it around us and I'll admit that I really wonder what "good" it's doing to teach my kids this foreign language, it makes me immensely happy.
I've especially been enjoying watching Kai COLOR. He spent FOUR HOURS just coloring today! I couldn't believe it! Picture after picture, he just kept coloring!!
Maybe that's why, but I've also been more tolerant of little Jaiden. He also seems to have calmed down a bit more lately (can we say FINALLY?), becoming more willing, shall I say to be on my good side by being "good".
The other day, I saw something on TV (I think) that said there was a study done that showed that multitasking wasn't such a good idea anymore. The study further noted that those who were "in the moment" more, seemed to be "happier."
My dad once told me--"be 100% where you're at." or something like that (see dad? I don't always know what exactly you said, but I get the point and it sticks :) Point was, that I should always be not only physically, but mentally and emotionally where I was, all the time.
I was noticing that this week, somehow I was more laid back.
I didn't think about the next meal (well, I did but not as much as when Ronny's home :), or where I was going, or what I was going to do next.
As I spent countless hours of "floor time" with the kids and really delved into being with them during our "play" or "together" times, I noticed that the kids were different. I can't pin point exactly what it was, but it was sure different. They seemed more obedient, and I for sure felt more patience and LOVE.
Even super nanny said once; "give them 15 minutes of your time, and you'll be surprised that they'll leave you alone for a good while."
Anyway, my point was that I've been truly happy with my kids this week. I don't expect it to last forever, but I just wanted to record it so that I could remember it later on.
I enjoyed sitting with the kids and doing puzzles with them. I enjoyed seeing Kai's improvements and how he colored strictly in the lines. I enjoyed listening to him improve his vocabulary in Japanese. I enjoyed having Jaiden sitting on my lap and wanting me to tell him which puzzle pieces fit together, then putting them together himself.
I enjoyed cooking with them.
I enjoyed swimming at the local pool with them, going to the zoo and seeing the animals-teaching them what they were and talking about everything! Holding hands. Cuddling at night after reading them books. Eating with them and even watching "America's test kitchen" together while they repeated words that were new to them, like "transfer" and "150 degrees."
So maybe I've found the secret to it all, or maybe I've just finally understood what people have been telling me; "be where you're at" and "enjoy it while you can."
I've even been sad this week to think they'll soon be grown up and gone...
What is happening to me?! LOL
Just don't ask how my house looks. LOL
Hey, I've got one more day to clean before Ronny gets home! ;)
ps. I actually played tons with them, AND THEN asked them to help me clean a few times this week--they did A LOT BETTER when I did it this way--again, it could be the age that Kai's hitting (5) that he's growing up to be a big helper, but I want to believe that it's my attitude and how I changed to spending more quality time with them that's changed them too. Who really knows.