Saturday, January 1, 2011

Find me sock pin up

How cute is this, right?!
It's to hang up lost sockies in the laundry room! I think this might encourage everyone (mostly the kids) to find lost socks!
I need to put a ribbon on the back so that I can hang it up!

wood slab
clothe pins (however many you'd like to attach on there)
paint (spray paint, acrylic paint, whatever you want)
modge podge
stencil or sticker letters

How to:
1. paint wood slab.
2. slap paper on (glue it on. I just used spray glue)
3. modge podge the paper and wood
4. stamp whatever phrase you want
5. glue clothes pins on there


It's such an easy and relatively cheap project!


  1. Oh my goodness, this is so cute. And what a great solution for a sock loser (LOL) such as myself. Happy New Year!

  2. How cute! Love easy projects like this.

  3. This is wonderful. Seriously, one of my New Year's resolutions is that I'm not going to have unmatched socks. This is would really help!

  4. Cute! One of my friends commented today on how she completed her first resolution of the year....sorting the mis-matched sock pile! But...achh..she said that she threw out the left overs! My niece would have a hay day making sock puppets out of them.

    Happy New Year!

    : )

    Julie M.

  5. That's adorable, but what if it's not us losing the socks? What if it's the washing machine eating them? What if little green leprechauns are stealing them?
    Seriously, what an adorable idea! That's so cute!

  6. This is pure genius! lol I would need TONS more clothes pins though!

  7. How cute is this! I have those very same kiddie socks, and I'm pretty sure both are without a match!

  8. ha ha ha! This made us laugh! :)

    Or if you really want to be boring just buy them all white!

    Or just let them wear mismatched socks! DJ always wants to wear a yellow and blue sock. Never matching. "It's okay mom, I like it." is all I hear! :)
