Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hard day

I don't read enough about other mother's 'bad' days...
I wonder if I'm the only one who feels this way at times...

It's been a hard week, and it's only Tuesday.
I know.

I seem to be yelling a lot at the kids.
After all, it's the same things over and over again.
The spill-ings, the accidents, the poop on the walls, crayon and marker marks in the carpet, the changing of the diapers (a million times), wiping feces off the bathroom floors.
When I take the kids outside to get on their bikes, the little one goes "ding dong ditching" at random neighbor's homes so I have to run after him each time and set him back on his little red tricycle.
"No this, no that. No, not ever, no not never!"
That's all I feel I ever say anymore.

Then it's the "owee!! owee!"
the little one just stomped on and played in a mud hill. Or an ant hill, he couldn't decipher between the two.
While I frantically slap off the fire-y beasts and strip my toddler down in plain public's view, the older one and his friends are riding down someone's driveway at 50m/hr while a truck is heading towards us.

Who signed up for this? I sometimes think while I lay on the couch, just tired from the day.
Did I really understand what I was getting myself into?!
Ronny's been working long hours at the Coast Guard and not home to see the kids until they're in bed. "They're so cute" he says. :I
Yes, they're sure cute when they're SLEEPING! ha.

It's been rough.
I love my kids, but it's been tough.
I can't clean and my house is a disaster-or so I feel.
I can't cook--the meals become "peanut butter and jelly" sandwiches day in and day out.
It's all about learning to find the balance...

Then I run into a friend outside who had to endure me venting.
I promise that wasn't planned, it just spilled out, sorry Jill.
Then she took the kids.
Told me "go do something for yourself, something fun."
So what did I do?
cooked dinner.
And cleaned the kitchen.
I had to laugh.
I was happy.
I cleaned and cooked.
That made me happy.
Oh and I listened to music.

I guess it's the simple things in life.
It's writing in my blog,
it's listening to music.
It's bumping into a friend who's nice enough to know that I've reached my limits.

Dear children, know that I love you dearly.
It's just been a rough few days.
I wouldn't trade you or even sell you like I joke on facebook,
but I sure would like to strangle you two sometimes, oh and your father too.


I like venting.
If I were a man, this is how I looked all week so far.

Thanks Jill.
Count on me too.


  1. Jill Evans Opdahl---- since, I can't leave comments on your blog:( don't ever say sorry for venting. I don't mind at all, then I don't feel bad when I want to vent to you:) And please let me know when you are going crazy so I can help. It was fun for Caleb, he loved to just watch them run around, it was nice entertainment for him.

  2. Alicia Barker Boyden--- I feel the same way at times. Motherhood is so very tough. And I've got to agree that they are so cute and peaceful while sleeping. And I am right with you when it comes to husbands working's hard to make meals. For me it's tough to get everyone ready and then it's tough to go to the store or anywhere. It's easier to stay home but then I need to get out...oh well. I'm hoping it gets easier as they age because 3 kids under the age of two is challenging ...rewarding but also tiring. Anyway hang in there. They will grow up and move out and you'll wonder where the time has gone or so I'm told.
