Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu for the week 1/23-30

Menu for this week (just dinners)
(will post recipes for anything you want)

Again, I'm a firm believer of creating a menu list each week
so that I don't sit in the kitchen 5 minutes to dinner time and wonder what on earth I'm going to make (which most of the time resorts to meat still frozen, kids screaming at me because I never feed them anything(ha-ha), eating unhealthy, or eating out--trust me, nothing good comes of it.)

I even like cooking my dinners in the morning/around lunch time so that I can enjoy my time when Ronny gets home, instead of slaving in the kitchen. This also saves time come dinner time when I'm usually already exhausted from the day and I'm so hungry I am biting everyone's heads off. Simply reheat and voila, dinner's served.

So for this week, this is what I have planned.

Sun: Cafe Rio burritos

Mon: Japanese fried chicken (kara-age), rice, miso soup, cucumber & seaweed salad, egg plant with chinese dressing

Tues: Baked Tilapia (or panko fried), New Orleans veggie rice, broccoli with cheese

Wed: Meatloaf (I have one frozen in the freezer--and yes, it's homemade), sweet honey-glazed cinnamon carrots, mashed potatoes

Thus: Homemade Chili, homemade sweet cornbread, corn chips
(I keep putting this on there but never getting to it--it's just sitting in my freezer)

Friday: Nachos (homemade and so yummy!)

Sat: Japanese Ramen

Sunday: left overs (hawaiian haystacks I made last week and froze?)

Also--I love FREEZING my meals!!! Make a big batch one week and freeze! (this week, I really only have to cook Sun, Mon, and Tues. The rest (Nacho meat, chili and meatloaf are already madeup and frozen, so all I have to make are the sides)

Ok--kids screaming--must go! Till next week!

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