Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy with anything

Well, it's been about a whole month since I was called into the Relief Society as its new president in the Sunnyside branch.
I've decided to start sharing my experiences, almost as if keeping a "'calling' journal." I don't know who it will benefit, or who it might touch, but if anything, it's for me to remember these times and recognize the blessings I've been given to serve in this capacity.

This week, I've been impressed about the gratitude these humble people have in my branch. I received a call from Beulah--pretty much the branch's grandma--she's something else! Anyway, with thick African American-Houston-accent that really no one can understand, she squealed over the phone while giggling like a little child--
"guess what, baby! I got chairs!"
"Ya! You know, those chairs from our church!"
(our meeting house we have been meeting in is being demolished-we're gettin' a real chapel! so the members were free to take pretty much anything that was in that meeting house, including chairs)

"Oh good, you got some chairs!" I said, smiling over the phone.
"Oh yes baby, and now we have chairs...and we even got a table! Now our family can sit around the table and sit in chairs while we eat!" she added,
"You know, I always tell my babies (she raises her 5 (?) granddaughters) that the Lord will always bless you-with the best!"

Then I had Lanetta come up to me today after church--her head was wrapped in a white bandana...

"Guess what sister 'Samford' (we get all kinds of fun names here-lol) I shaved my head!"
"You shaved your head? what did you do that for?!" I asked.
I was taken aback.
"But you know what else? President Moore just told me he reserved me some chairs from ya'll's church!" she said, not having realized yet that it's "HER" church too, now that she's a new member.
Her face beamed brightly.

I've been privileged to work closer with these dear sisters.
This is what I've had engraved into my brain this week:

1. many do not have chairs.
2. many do not have AC. (remember, it gets over 100 degrees here)
3. Many do not have food.
4. Many do not have jobs.
5. Many have roaches and other insects infesting their homes.
6. Many do not cook until 10pm, when the house finally is cool enough to stand in the kitchen and cook.

I have been humbled this week to say the least.
I saw some horrible things in Chile. I was humbled there too.
But to hear the joy and gratitude in these lady's voices to get the most basic things (of course, church metal chairs at the branch are wore down and most have scratches and stains on them) have brought me back to reality that BOY, DO I EVER HAVE A BLESSED LIFE!
I'm not saying these families aren't blessed, they are.
But to know I have so much...
I have So much to give.
and that to me, is a blessing, never to forget.
Sometimes, it's as if less is more.

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