Friday, June 17, 2011

6 Years down, Eternity to go

6 years ago today I promised to spend the rest of my eternities with him.
6 years ago we started a family.

Today, I celebrate Ronny and my sixth year of being married.
Sealed in the Lord's house, we continue our walk through this mortal life.
Surrounded by happiness, frustrations, hardships, and accomplishments, we'll walk another year together.
We've been through a lot together already, and I can't wait to go through so much more.

Here are SIX reasons why I love him
{also six reasons how I know HE loves me}
1. He loves me. (if you know my background, you'd know I don't take this for granted)
2. He is my biggest fan. He pushes me to be my best and allows me to spread my wings
3. He and I share so much now, the good and the bad. We have many memories I couldn't possibly imagine sharing with anyone else.
4. He thinks I'm beautiful even when I've had a rough day or have no makeup on, on days I feel fat, on days I complain a lot.
5. He's gentle with me and teaches the boys to respect me.
6. He lets me win every argument. LOL! No, but really, he's so humble and forgiving...

Here are six of the top things we've lived through together
{6 things we decided together that were our most memorable experiences}

1. Honeymoon to Japan
2. Joining the Coast Guard and becoming a Military family
3. Living in Puerto Rico
4. Birth of Kai
5. Birth of Jaiden and all that we went through with him
6. Buying our first home in Texas

6 things Ronny has helped me do/become
1. Receive my Business degree by attending college
2. Supporting me in all my ideas (the Book of Mormon theatrical play in Puerto Rico, write my autobiography and much more...including many time consuming callings in the church)
3. Realize that I am beautiful
4. Become a motivational speaker
5. Go home to Japan to meet my biological family
6. Become a Mother

People often comment on how I've "changed" from before. They frequently comment on how I glow now...or how I become "increasingly beautiful"...I take that as a major compliment. Not as being prideful, like "yah, look at me," but if anyone knows my past, you will understand when I say: "I truly believe it's because Ronny loves me no matter what."
He lets me Be beautiful.
I want to be beautiful to him.

Love changes people.
I am beautiful to Ronny, and that has changed me.
Thank you Ronny.
For so many things.

Like my dad said this morning;
"Make it past the seven-year itch and it's eternity forever!!"

And so we continue on our adventure called Love!

{our recent photo taken in corpus Christi}

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this!! I too have felt changed by having a husband that loves unconditionally. Whenever I read your blog I always wish that I lived closer to you! You are amazing and make me laugh! Love ya, chica!
