Well, it's been a while. It's that time again, I have too much on my mind and somehow, blogging always makes me feel better and clears my mind.
Although I'm not at liberty to share half the things I get to experience/go through these days, this is one of those days and I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry.
Ronny's on call this week, which means he's at work from 11:30-8:30pm, and then whenever he gets called out, he must leave and go out. The other night, he was called out at 3am to some type of a spill out in the gulf.
Must I say more?
This makes the days LONG for me.
Today, I thought I'd take the boys to Ikea and then to H-mart (Korean supermarket) to kill some time and actually have some fun while at it. I promised the kids some Ikea hotdogs, ice cream cone and cinnamon roll. We all shouted for joy and began our adventures. I love treating the kids to yummy things, and I love sharing 'fun' experiences with them.
Well, not to focus on the 'bad' things, but the thing I look forward to most at Ikea, their childcare was DOWN. Closed due to not enough workers. GREAT.
Okay, I can do this. Two kids around the store isn't too bad, I tell myself and carry on.
Who needs Ikea's daycare anyway?
So we begun our adventure.
Didn't get too far.
Jaiden was having a fit. Standing in his cart, whining, trying to jump out of it, then crying about something and anything he could think of....
a few time outs and chats later, I was done.
Things calmed down a bit, so we decided we'd get lunch.
We stood in line and got our food.
I looked around.
"umm...where's your eating area?"
the eating area that was to the left of the food vending area was completely gone.
"You can go upstairs" the cashier said.
I looked down at myself JUST TO MAKE SURE I wasn't invisible to this lady.
TWO TODDLERS (one child trying to burst away from my gripping hand to run away with his ice cream cone), two hot dogs, a soda cup, a cinnamon roll, and a bag of chips all in my arms/hands/whatever I had to hold on to all this.
"there's plenty of room upstairs"
you're out of your mind, lady.
I found a bench in front of the child care and sat there with the kids while all passerby-ers looked on, kids whining to their moms "i want that!!"
I was ready to fight back if anyone told us we couldn't eat there.
No one did. (lol)
At Ikea, I took the boys to the potty three times (Jaiden's potty training and has an extremely small bladder)
Trying to still have a good time, I rolled out to our next stop, H-mart.
Before I began shopping, I took the boys to the potty...again.
Now to start shopping for food! I was excited.
no more than 5 minutes into it, Jaiden said "Potty!"
so back we went, through the crowded eatery and the super narrow hallway to the bathrooms.
A man was now cleaning the Women's bathroom.
Go figure.
I don't care.
I barged in and took Jaiden in.
that's it?!
Back out to the store grounds
5 minutes into it, 'POO POO!"
so back we went to the potty, running this time.
"sit down! hurry! now you can go potty!"
I sat Jaiden down.
instead, Jaiden fell into the toilet.
fishing him out, I cleaned him up.
in the end, nothing.
back out on the floor....
5 minutes later, ready to check out, Jaiden said "poo poo!!"
it's loud and I'm embarrassed, but it's better than him having an accident. THEN I'd be embarrassed. I take him again to the bathroom.
That's one thing you can't just tell them "no, you're lying." better to be safe than sorry.
I finally get out of there.
The kids fall asleep as I turned off at our exit.
Too funny.
We get home and I put them in their rooms for some quiet time for all of us.
Haaa....now to deal with reality. I sit and think. Pray hard and think some more for other challenges I'm dealing with right now.
Jaiden shouts from the top of the stairs and I yell back "GO GOOO!!"
and then I forget he was up there....
I run upstairs when I remembered that the little booger was up there.
It was too late.
Gag reflexes kicking in aside, I was greeted by the owner of a "proud" naked buns.
I took a look at him.
I breathed some more and held my breath.
I looked across at the brown smudges everywhere.
I looked back at the beaming little thing.
I wanted to cry.
How could I get mad at such a thing?
And yet, I wanted to just break down and cry.
Poop was everywhere. The training toilet, the floor, the 'grown-up' toilet, the bathtub, and ALL OVER Jaiden.
The smell was nauseating.
The sight was enough to make me cry and run away, quit this job.
I got down on my knees and began scrubbing.
I bathed the little kid.
I thought;
Dear Heavenly Father, I sure do hope I'm reaping some excellent Heavenly rewards up there...cuz some days, I sure don't know what I'm doing or how I'm going to do it yet another day...
How i love my children.
but OH how hard it is to be a mom.
oh how hard it is to be a mom....