Friday, July 23, 2010

"When Daddy Gets Home..."

"When daddy gets home."

I like it when Kai says this.

Ronny's been gone for the past week for a Coast Guard training.
(it's been the shortest training he's been to, since the record has been 6+months)

I didn't realize how much I liked it when Kai would say things that let me know he "remembered" his daddy, and or that let me know that he knows daddy will come home.


Because my mommy never did.

You see, my mommy left when I was about four years old, just about Kai's age.
When my daddy told me that she was gone, I don't think I understood what he really meant.

He told me and my younger brother that she left us because she didn't want to have anything to do with us anymore. Of course, that's another story for another time, but as I listened to Kai tell the store cashiers how "daddy's going to come home and bring me a surprise if I'm a good boy!" or say things like "when daddy comes home...," I wondered if I had said the same things.

I wondered how long it was before I realized that mommy was never coming home?
I wondered when the last time was that I mentioned her name?
I wondered if I was heart broken when I realized that I would never see her again?
I wondered how many other children suffer the same kind of tragedy?
Why do families disintegrate?

Now, you may think this is a gloomy post. Well, I'm happy to share that in thinking about these things, I also realized and remembered that I have a wonderful husband, that Kai has a wonderful daddy, and by such, he will come home.
I'm so grateful that Kai doesn't have to experience what I did when I was his age. I'm so happy to know that my husband will be coming home.
I'm not trying to condemn anyone for anything by any means.
I'm just saying, that I am truly BLESSED.
Never take it for granted that you have a loved one near by.


  1. Wow this is a powerful post. I am sorry to hear that your Mother left you as a child. I used to work at a Domestic Violence Shelter for Women who were abused. I doubt that your Mother up and left because of that but I wondered similar things like how can Men be abusive to their wives? I too am truly blessed to have a wonderful wife and kids.

  2. I commented on a post today about Tiger Woods and his wife divorcing. My comment centered around their "public" statement; something to the effect that they would both parent their two children because those kids mean everything to them. I wrote something like "Hogwash. If Tiger meant that, he wouldn't have unzipped his pants. He cared only about himself-- not once but many times. When the family was destroyed, his self-serving pious (but untrue) comment was that "those kids mean everything." Balderdash. If they did, he would have remained faithful and the whole of the universe would have hummed and ticked perfectly in place. It's sad when people seek to neutralize an evil action because of the horrendous impact on the children (and the rest of the destroyed family). Actions have repercussions and people ARE guilty of doing wrong... some eternaLee so.
