Friday, July 16, 2010

Our Walmart Trip

What a joke it is to go grocery shopping with your kids! My husband said: "You're brave." and that was it. I don't know what it was, I guess I just needed to get out of the house.
This is how it all went.

I'm in my world, trying to look for things on my list at Walmart. Walmart's not the most easiest and people friendly place to be at in the first place, especially during the summer when EVERYONE hangs out there. I had Kai who begged me to go in his SPIDER-MAN costume, so I let him. The whole store was an uproar.

LOOK! THERE'S SPIDERMAN! (look all you want, we'll be on our way)
SEE KIDS? CAN YOU WAVE TO SPIDERMAN? (just keep waving, just keep waving.)
OH! THAT'S WHAT MY KID WEARS TO BED TOO! (I think she even wanted to talk in length about that-NO THANKS)

We couldn't get in and out of the aisles because there were seriously, a herd of Latins IN THE AISLE picking out everything, FAMILY FUED STYLE. Everything from cheese to chips to candy, the whole 20 of them HAD TO stand in the middle of the aisle and dispute about it, from toddler to grandma. Lucky for me, I am not just making things up, I DO understand what they're arguing/debating about, so this is not fabricated, true story.

Jaiden's high pitched screams and whines of course make me cringe and want to do everything in my power to make him stop-non-violently-so i resort to bribing him with candy, while I keep rolling over Kai who has his mind made up to hang on to the front of the grocery cart and jump off every once in a while with comments about how he's "SPIDERMAN!"

My tactic with cheerios, pretzels AND my last resort, LOLLY POPS gone down the drain because of how FAST Jaiden and Kai can devour those things, I am left with nothing but a STICKY GOOEY FUSSY Jaiden. At least with Kai, I can talk some sense and make him fear for his life, but Jaiden? That child is fearless and shameless. He came into this world with no sense of fear for anything, so I'm just thanking my stars for this opportunity to raise him. ;) WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS!??!?! lol

So, after an hour of lollygagging in the great world of Walmart where prices don't seem to roll back NEARLY as much as I'd like them to, and with the added pleasure of my boys, I got out of there...somewhat alive, but promising I will never do any serious grocery shopping there AGAIN. But then again, I say that every other month. :)

So until next time!

A frustrated wore out and frazzled mother signing out!


  1. Oh My! Such a NIGHTMARE! I feel for you! I'm glad you and the boys made it out alive! :)

  2. LOL!!! I loved this post. It sounds like my life. I can definitely relate!! ;D For me, It's definitely hard shopping with two little boys for sure! My older will throw a fit/refuse to listen/run away while laughing!, etc. (although there has been some improvement this week! hooray!) and the younger yelling for snacks because he thinks he needs to EAT ALL the time! It is crazy. Now that I have experienced shopping with little kiddos, I think all mothers are brave to shop with their kids! you are brave! I would love to see what a walmart in texas is like!
