Monday, December 28, 2009

Time Outs really do work. Start young!

We put Jaiden in his first time out yesterday.
He hit Kai!
so Ronny decided it was time and put him into a time out--in the corner.
I thought that little Jay was a bit too young to understand what was going on, but it looked like it really worked! He's been fooling me all this time! ha-hah!
It was the darnest thing to see though!
Jaiden stuck his face into the corner, then would turn around to see daddy's stern face say
"No, Jaiden, turn back around."
Jaiden would then pull his hands into a fist and put them in front of his face in the corner (see picture) and pretend to be crying-or that he was remorseful (lol).
He kept checking back at daddy's face, but he realized it was serious (though it was hard for Ronny to keep a straight face!) and turn back into the corner.
Then, Daddy finally said "ok Jaiden, you can be done, but you go give Kai hugs and kisses." Jaiden RAN out of there and tackled Kai, wrapped his little arms around his neck and gave him slobbery kisses.

Time Outs DO work, so start young! lol
by SuperNanny!


  1. its sooooo sooo true! i started time outs with winter at 1 years old too! thanks for reminding me...brighton is officially ready for time outs!

  2. is it bad that I love this picture...he looks so cute...haha. Remember, "heee hiii"? haha, love this kid!

  3. You know what else works, I do this when there doesn't seem to be a logical consequence or when they weren't really being "naughty" but they did something wrong. The (missionary) commitment pattern. I commited Emily to only using three squares of toilet paper, after she nearly flooded us out. It took a couple of times, but we are now successfully using only three squares. Who would've known that missions would teach such valuable parenting skills. So the next time you are yelling at your kids struggling to find some way of making your words count commit them to change.
