Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chi chi chi, le le le, Viva CHILE!

We had a Chliean Fiesta Last night!
Would you believe, that in our new branch, we have:
7 people either who served missions in Chile, or who ARE chileans?!
We have all talked about how the Lord must have some kind of plan for us "chilenos" in this branch!
Not to mention we had 3-4 people in our old ward who were from the SAME mission as Ronny and me!? Where else would that happen, but Utah?!?! Kind of weird! But fun.

So we got together last night and just brought together some of our favorite Chilean dishes...
I miss Chile!


  1. i wait, i just noticed that was what you named the i have to come up with some other cool chilean saying to put here.....hmmmm...... me presta un gambita?

  2. Cool! That sounds like so much fun. I miss Chile too.
