So the Question is:
why are Sundays more stressful and tiring than any other days!?
Our branch is super unique. I've been in more than a fair share of TINY PIONEER branches and units of members, but this one seems a bit more challenging to me than any others...
First off, why is it SO hard to be patient with kids during church? My kids cannot sit still. It takes a good while for me to prepare their diaper bag and try to pack creative things to keep their attention...nothing works. And with us meeting in a tiny "house" building, Jaiden's bursts of screams forbids anyone to catch a word of what the speakers are saying. My legs are crammed because there is no space in the tiny living room we congregate in...
I haven't been called to speak or teach a lesson at the very LAST MINUTE during sacrament or sunday school OR relief society either, but I know my turn is coming up.
People just don't show up for talks and lessons...
I love the people we've been able to meet, they are truly special people, but BOY, what a challenge it's already been. Ronny also feels that he's got a big challenge in front of him, being called as the Young Men's president...he has about 3 men who are active enough to come, but you can tell they'd rather not be there...these boys may not have had the proper education/discipline from any other adults, and well, we just ask that you keep us in your prayers. Heaven only knows why we've been sent here...My head hurts, as does Ronny's, trying to think of appropriate things to teach, and activities to plan for these members who are so much like children-in a sense that they seem to be as converts. I don't mean to sound demeaning or uppity-I'm just asking for your prayers. Ronny and I sit here, wondering whether we should throw our hands up in the air...
Prayers would be great.
Yeah, you did make it sound nicer than it is! you skipped the part where we get kicked out of every room we are suppose to have (I think we kicked Ronnie out today for the nursery/sunbeams because my "councelor" wouldn't take the older kids outside so I wouldn't have to be in a closet). And how false doctorine is taught if not closely monitored. Bless the Branch--I'm going to cross stitch it and stick it on the wall!