Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday is a Special Day

Saturday is a Special day,
It's a day we get ready for Sunday!

Kind of weird, if you stop and think about it...why always be thinking AHEAD of the moment? Isn't that "not living in the moment?"
I don't think so.

I used to be good at getting ready for Sundays ON SATURDAYS, but have had to renew my commitment to doing so this new year, in order to reduce stress...

Utilizing Saturdays to prepare for Sundays is a great way to reduce unwanted stress come Sunday morning (because let's be honest, in my house, Sundays feel like the WORST days of them all!).
Sundays should be such a special day for all of us.
It's a day the Lord intended for us to REST. Not be LAZY, but REST.
How can we better do that?

1. Know your menus for the upcoming day (left overs are great to not have to cook!) it might even be nice to have food ready for when you come home from church. You know how them kids like to get after church...OKAY OKAY, ME TOO. :I

2. Get yours and the kids' outfits cleaned, ironed, out and ready to go

3. Clean the house-it helps

4. Get your scriptures and other church materials out and ready

5. if you have kids, get the diaper bag ready

6. Do you have to teach a class? Don't wait until Sunday morning to prepare it!

7. Girls, do your nails if that's what you do-or whatever else grooming you do.

And finally, Ronny says; "TAKE A NAP." (^_^)

Get ready for Sunday on SATURDAY.
OH, and this somehow helps in getting to church ON TIME TOO!


  1. I love these posts! Great tips here!

  2. I think I like Ronny's idea best! If I can do that then Saturday is a special day. :)

  3. Taking a nap is precious. Thanks for the advice!
