Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The weight of refinement.

So I just had some peaches from Costco with sugar and Japanese rice crackers that my mom sent me.

Well, I'm bummed.
I'm confused.

I just have a lot on my plate right now and I need strength beyond my own.

I am a daughter of God.
{have personal prayers, personal scripture study, and hey, shower, make up and blow dried hair would be nice once in a while!}

I am a wife.
{wake up and eat breakfast with my husband (there's an idea), look pretty, and say and do nice things for him each day, cook nice meals}

I am a mother.
{feed, change, potty train, read scriptures, teach Japanese, English, teach to clean, talk nice, play nice, make beds, play nice with others, have play dates, discipline, read books}

I am a homemaker.
{Cook nutritious and wholesome meals without breaking the bank, budget, pay bills, clean the house, prepare for emergencies (hurricane), do food storage, do laundry, to-d0 lists, Dr's appts., learn to can, be a chauffeur}

I am a friend.
{how can I help you today? send out birthday cards and wishes, shop for baby gifts, and write emails}

and last but not least,
I am the Relief Society President at the Sunnyside branch.

I love life and I love being busy. I love all my blessings and I love each and every breath I am given.
But seriously, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.
So many decisions to make, so many phone calls to make. So many meetings to attend and conduct, so many hands to fill, so many souls to feed.
(well, I do have a lot of help from my wonderful counselors and other members of the branch)
I don't claim to know it all or even do it all.

I'm definitely feeling the weight of what my Heavenly Father would have me do...
{which I know is a good thing-hard times require us to become humble}
I try to simplify my life the best I can.
Still, even "simple" tasks such as cleaning or folding laundry becomes nearly impossible with these boys running around. How do I enjoy my time with them and still be able to accomplish all that the Lord would have me do right now?
Is quitting an option?

I gave my word to serve to the best of my abilities and to dedicate this time to our dear family friend Karla England. For her, I must press on!

{Pray for me please.}

art by Greg Olsen

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