Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hush Little Kai

I had a rough day the other day with the kids, but this weekend has been really nice.
Ronny and I've been able to relax and spend lots of time with the kids.
Although they still wear us out, it's times and songs like these that my heart is so full with love for these little angels.
This is a song that Kai just sang me while I rocked him just before putting him to bed.

To the tune of "The Mocking Bird Song/Hush Little Baby"
(although not all of the words will fit with the original song tune, try to imagine a small child singing it softly)

Verse 1:
my pretty little...big mommy
you're the smartest mommy

you were so pretty after church
i haven't ever seen your mommy

Verse 2:
big little mama
i love you
you'll be the prettiest girl
i haven't seen your mommy
but you can go to church
i haven't seen your daddy and mommy
i haven't seen your daddy and mommy

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