Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dave Ramsey

I just started reading Dave Ramsey's "The Money Answer Book."

I've been meaning to learn more about money and how it all works, so I reserved it online at our local library and just started reading it today.

GOODNESS, it's good.

I've never read or listened or studied anything he's said on any of his shows or broadcasts, but since I've heard he knows a junk load about money and finances, I thought I'd give it a try.

I like him.

It's incredible, the society in which you and I live in to spend, to satisfy NOW, and to use credit cards for "good."

Once in a while, a person will pick up and read a GOOD book by someone who has their heads on straight and you (I'm) literally slapped in the face to wake up!

As Dave says, "they are IDIOTS!" if they suggest that "some debt is good."
In Dave's words, "No debt is good, unless it's a PAID OFF DEBT."

I know I have a few things to straighten out in my life, and I'm ready to tackle them!
(although I must admit, it's SO much harder to do anything financially when you're married!
I feel that saving and NOT spending was a much much easier thing to do when I was alone!)

Thank goodness for people like Dave who in a sense, I feel is sent here on earth to guide people to do what our Heavenly Father wants us to do.

1. realize that money cannot buy happiness
2. get out and stay out of debt.
3. save and establish peace for a rainy day

1 comment:

  1. I tried telling you about his ideas when you and I first meet and you looked at me like I was nuts! ha ha ha! I would have too if I had not read his book!

    YAY! for your financial peace journey! It is SO worth it, amiga! His ideas and lots of prayer is the reason we have financial peace! Dave's the reason Doug and I hardly (hardly is the clue word because sometimes being married to BIG savers is still tricky!) argue about money! I cannot tell you enough about this guy! Tell me when you cut your credit cards and you switch to green bucks! We'll need to celebrate!.....You must go see him when he comes to Houston, you'll love him, he's hilarious! :)

