Saturday, December 4, 2010

Life without Limits

Also, I've been reading another BRILLIANT book.

Life without Limits
Nick Vujicic
Cover for 'Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life'

True to its title, this book is simply amazing. If you haven't ever listened to or read his words, I recommend that you do, immediately!

Nick is probably one of the most optimistic happy and grateful people I've ever "known," and I'm just blown away with every page that I read. It truly is a motivational and inspirational book to say the least.

What I've learned from Nick so far:

1. sometimes, God gives us imperfections so that people will listen to us. In other words, trials are given to us and is used properly, we can take the lessons learned from them and help others.

2. Everyone is given hardships in life. Don't wallow in them but look to find ways to help people around you.

3. In all that you have, give thanks and be happy. Life is too beautiful and too short.

I truly love and appreciate people and stories that inspire and better us!

1 comment:

  1. I am an avid reader, but writing reviews is new on my list of book associated activities. I am more of a fiction reader than biography, but when I saw the book by Nick Vujicic, I knew it was a book I wanted to read. I've seen articles, and You-tube postings, and the guy really intrigued me. I was not disappointed. Nick is an amazing man who has overcome what most of us would have seen as insurmountable obstacles. Once I got into the book I couldn't put it down. I laughed and applauded the way he handled situations. My favorite humorous parts were having his cousins put him in the store window as a mannequin and having his companion put him in the overhead bin on an airplane. It takes a special kind of person to allow himself to be put in those situations. As he discovered that God had created him the way he was to be a testimony, and to help others overcome their insecurities, he began to grow spiritually. The Lord used him in ways that he never dreamed would be possible.
