Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Obentou Boxes

Obentou boxes=Japanese lunch boxes

These are typical Japanese lunch boxes that mothers/wives/girlfriends/grandmothers/women make for their loved ones/spouse/children/family members for their lunches. Although we do pack sandwiches occasionally, most of the time, a variety of food is packed neatly into stylish boxes. Some women get up before dawn to make these, while these days, it's more practical for women to pack things which come from frozen products, or left overs from the night before. One can even make up a bunch of freezable foods and pack quickly the next day.

I had the opportunity to make up a few extra obentou boxes today for some friends who like Japanese foods. I love cooking!

Here's what was on the menu:

curried Japanese potato salad
spinach rolled up in sweet egg
homemade meat sauce pasta
honey BBQ chicken
Asian Broccoli with roasted sesame dressing
rice with salmon/mayo on top (salmon nigiri)

We use a lot of vegetables and most things are very healthy.
We don't tend to pig out and portions are a lot smaller in Japan.
I will gladly share recipes if anyone wants anything!

Hope they will enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. mmmm......these look scrumdiddlyumpcious :) i would more than happy to accommodate your love of cooking by eating any extra 弁当箱 (hope i got that right?) you happen to have :)

    hope you guys are doing well. tell ronny hi for me.
