Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sister Beula Allenof

Introducing to you, one of my favorite sisters in our branch.
Sister "Beula Allen"

How old is she? I don't even know!
But a heart of gold, she has.
She's got all the desire to learn and progress.
She's been asking me to teach her some computer skills.
I laughed in my head, ME, TEACH COMPUTERS?!
But this humble lady, all she knew was...NOTHING.
So YES! I will teach you, come to my house!
I picked her up and we began.

"This is the on/off button, let's start from zero."
"I'm in cloud nine, I'm so happy!"
Beula Allen exclaimed,
I've never done anything for herself in this life, she said,
and I believe her.

"let's practice typing now. Send Jill an email," I said.
Three hours later, she wrote:
"Hello jill, hou you doin." and a little more.

I drew her out a picture of the computer keyboard and took her home.

"Now you practice everyday," I told her with a wink.
Two weeks later, I asked her "how's it going?"
pulling out her keyboard drawing I gave her and with a twinkle in her eye,
"I'm gettin' it baby, I'm gettin' it."
She said, teethless as can be.

I truly love this branch, so many humble sisters to get to know.
I hope to share the little I know, and learn from them, the lots that they have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. Ruth Craig KoguchiApril 1, 2010 at 6:55 AM

    I loved this post! I know you are a wonderful teacher and your student will make you proud! You can always send me an email if she wants to get international. :)
