"Good mor...ning..."
I stop and sigh.
My kitchen!
Dishes piled up sky high in both sinks.
Condiments and food scatter and pile around, you wouldn't know that I had countertops.
With every step, I feel crunching of crumbs and occasionally stop to grunt, pull my foot up to peel off mushed bananas or rice.
I clean my foot off and walk out into the dining room.
Little toys strewn everywhere.
It's never ending.
Dirty laundry scattered everywhere, dirty tiny super hero undies and nasty diapers are thrown every which way.
I walk into the hallway; toys and junk to take upstairs lay stacked on each step of the stairs. The idea was that every time I went upstairs, I'd take it and put it away...not happening yet. I look around, Every room is MESSY.
I look at my "To-Do" list, all covered in little black scribbles; things I felt were important to get done today. A sigh.
I wonder...thoughts begin to swirl in my head.
That's usually a bad sign.
I wonder...
I wonder if my friends who aren't members of the church (LDS) have their kitchens cleaned everyday?!
I wonder if their homes get cleaned up everyday? Maybe it doesn't even get THIS bad?!
Then a thought pops into my head.
Not at all what I'd call an inspiration, but it's a thought, more like an excuse.
Well, if I didn't have church assignments...and
if I didn't have to read my scriptures everyday...and meditate, and ponder and plan FHE lessons, and prepare talks and lessons for Sundays, if I didn't have to help my kids prepare little talks and practice the piano for a special musical number...if I didn't have to be a missionary to my neighbors and bake them cookies...and give service and make meals for the sick and if I didn't have Homework to do from the University, if I didn't have to do my Visiting Teaching and remind Ronny to do his Home Teaching...if I didn't have crazy ideas such as writing a book...then maybe...just maybe I could be like my nonmember friends who put their children in daycare and spend the day cleaning? Or if I were them and could drop my kiddos off at grandma's and grandpa's house every day and take them to have sleepovers at their houses every weekend...OOOOWEEE!
Just for fun, I got carried away :) But in reality, I am truly blessed and happy. I have many things which occupy me and so many more people who need me.
What a blessing it is to be depended on, what a great thing it is to be BUSY, even if my house is a ...well, a MESS :)
Hey did you wake up in my house this morning or something??? Oh wait, I don't have stairs... man that is (except for the mention of stairs)EXACTLY the description of my house. It still looks that way because I don't want to clean it up AGAIN. Instead I keep working in the backyard, playing with the kids and putting together some FHE folders.