Monday, September 13, 2010

Red, green and yellow light

This is something from the books of "Monika's mission."
It's something our dear mission president taught us and one piece of wisdom Ronny and I will refer to from time to time when discussing things that require important attention and decision making.

Our mission president was a great man.
He told us, that the Lord has, in a sense, three ways of answering His children when answering is involved.

One, the "RED light."
This means a resounding NO.

Two, the "GREEN light."
Easy enough to guess, this means the answer is an exciting "YES."

Third, the "YELLOW light."
Most people would take this as the Lord not answering, but in fact, He is.
The yellow light simply means that He trusts us enough to say, "you go on and make this decision yourself, I trust you."

Ronny and I have had many of these so called "yellow" lights, and we have come to appreciate them. Many times, we may not know why the Lord may give us a certain color light, but follow your gut and you will be led. Next time you feel the need to make a decision, try thinking of your answers in terms of lights. See if you can't feel what colored light He's giving to you.
I hope this helps, as it has helped us tremendously.

1 comment:

  1. He put into perfect words what Doug and I were talking about just a few weeks ago! We used the light analogy with our relationship to our children, but didn't really think about our relationship with our Heavenly Father. So this is really cool! Thanks MONIKA! :)
