Tuesday, September 21, 2010


As Christmas season quickly approaches, I am forced to ponder about what Christmas really means. What does Christmas mean to me, and more importantly, what does Christ's gospel mean to me?
As strange as this may sound, having been raised a Christian all my life, I still have need to think about all that it signifies to me.

I've decided to put together a Christmas program for the branch I attend this year and it's got me thinking about what message I want to present to the audience. Is it that Christ was born and crucified, then resurrected again to save all mankind? Or is it something more like...what we, as His children can do to give back and give to others?

The question has been raised to me, as often as Christmas comes each year;
"What's your family tradition at Christmas?"

I don't really have an answer, except that we opened presents.
Now that my boys are starting to get older, I have decided that I want a Christmas family tradition. After much thought of what it might be, (I'm not usually one to LET traditions naturally form) I have decided that we will serve one another. At least ONE gift to each other should be a "service ticket." I want us to learn to give thought to what Christmas really is about. Ponder about what it might be that the person most would appreciate, even if it's just washing the dishes or giving a back rub. I also want to encourage GIVING service to others, whether it is to family or friends, rather than running to the store to buy something frivolous (and trust me, I have NO bad feelings towards a nice store bought gift!!)
For example, as mothers and women, we could offer to do things for each other such as:

Cooking a meal


Who, and I speak for women, who wouldn't LOVE to have something like this, rather than something BOUGHT from the store which you probably won't like anyway?

Or for our Children, how about:

(what child wouldn't LOVE to have some time from you?!)
a date

For our husbands?
well, that's for you to think of! lol

So, what is Christmas, and what does it mean to you?

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