Friday, June 4, 2010

"This Sucks!" List June 3, 2010

Caution: May contain strong language and or extremely honesty and negativity

So it's been a rough day-oh, wait, WEEK.
So, here's my
"This Sucks!" list for the week.

Math classes
Instructors who I can't see so I have to talk online to and then she thinks I'm retarded
Tech. support numbers where they can't solve your problems
MAC computers. Ok, computers that don't do what I want it to.
Tech support and customer service lines that hang up on you after an hour, EACH TIME you call
Making dinner every night
Crying kids
Kids who break things in the house by climbing on them
People who don't cooperate
people who are flakes
fish tanks that leaks 75 gal. water and turn carpet into moldy terrain
hearing that a family member is suffering from the past
"wishing" for something you shouldn't buy and being persuaded that we "need" it by others
being told by the mother of a screaming child that time outs are evil and wrong
depending on people to help you with things you can't seem to understand
being car-less for a few days when I need to run errands-again, being dependent on things/people
being busy to the point where I don't know what's going on
preparing a lesson for sunday
midterm finals
Crazy people who call me
people canceling to a big event
parents who oppose to their 21 yr old kid's baptism
retarded people

Ok--now, I will admit that there are two things that was good this week.
1. we got a notice saying our mortgage was going to be $400 less this month
(hope this doesn't somehow come back to make it on my "this sucks" list next week!)
2. Ronny just informed me that he got early liberty-he's coming home! his fish tank...but still, that's great news.

Ahh, I feel somewhat better...
now to call the tech support again!


  1. Time outs are totally NOT evil. I for one, am all for them. I also am anti-tech support people.

  2. Hakuna matata------that's what DJ would tell you!....he asked about you...I told him that a little friend of his was coming over and then he asked me, "And Monika too, mama?" till I tell him that we're going to see you on Wed. I think I'll tell him Tuesday night! :)

    I say bust out with the night version of Monika! :)

    Hope next week is ALL better!
