Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book of Mormon Challenge

I'll be honest, I can't say that I've always been a faithful reader of the sacred book we call
"The Book of Mormon."
Before and after my mission, I was real good.
Then life kicked in,
I was "too busy."
Then one day, a bit before the year 2010 was to start,
someone read aloud from the Book of Mormon in our humble branch.
They read about Ammon and his work with the people.
I remember feeling something tug at my heart.
"I miss those people, those stories, I miss the Book of Mormon!"
I had grown up with those accounts, of Ammon and Amulek, of Nephi and Laman, of the people of the Lamanites and the Nephites, of Christ in the Americas.
I knew their stories, and I had learned from them many times. I felt that I knew them, and I realized that I missed them.
I decided that day, that I would start the New Year's right.
No more excuses for not reading, in fact, I wanted to read it again.
So what did I do?
To some, it may seem ridiculous, but to me, it was keeping it real.
I decided to read at least ONE VERSE every day.
I've tried the "time" thing, and the "I'll read 'how many' chapters/day" thing, but none have stuck with me (otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this). I've often been discouraged that I don't continue...and therefore, I wasn't even starting anymore.
But ONE VERSE a day?
I'm happy and proud to report that we are in April, and I'm still doing good on my goal.
Some nights, I'll even find myself reading a few more verses than just one, but I've found that this was a reasonable goal for me.
Apart from that, I've also discovered myself pondering about the verse and reading it more carefully now.
Because I only "have to read one verse," I seem to pay better attention to every word that I read.
I'm not saying this should be the way for all, I know a lot of you can and are doing better than I am, but I've also learned that the Lord will be, and is pleased with ANY effort that we make in this life to do His will (Thanks, pte. Wilcox---from his book The Continuous Atonement). I truly think that at the end of the day, if all we could have accomplished was to open the book and we had collapsed from exhaustion and our cares of the day,
He would look at hearts and accept it.
I challenge anyone who might be holding off on the reading, see what is realistic for you, and open that book again and start reading!
The most important thing is, that you continue something, rather than burn yourself out and not do it at all! :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Garden 2010

Rhubarb (above)

We've started a Garden!
Ronny made it with bricks-we planted:
Cilantro, hot peppers, basil, tomatoes, lavender, red onions and scallions, rhubarb, and raspberries.
Can't wait to make homemade salsa and Italian foods with all that!
It's been about 2 weeks now, and we've already had most of the things sprouting already! (no photos of sprouts yet)
It's truly exciting to see the things you've planted, growing!

Easter 2010

It's about time I posted these!

Easter 2010

We had a wonderful time with our friends from the Branch.
We shall call them; "the Sunny Siders" (Ormsons, Opdahls, Talbots)

It was fun getting together for General Conference and listening to our dear prophets and leaders. Then, we had a SUPER YUMMY lunch and then egg hunt. It's always good to be in the Sunny sider's company.

It was also Jaiden's first egg hunt-he had fun!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear Kai in the Future

Dear Kai in the future;

You won't remember this, but I wanted to tell you anyway.

I'm still in bed this morning, it's 8:20am, but I'm just so tired. You're here next to me, you've hauled in all your train station pieces and have laid it across me. "I like seeing grown ups," you say out of the blue, still while building your "alligator."
"Oh ya? why is that?" I ask. "Cuz they have MUSTACHES!" you exclaim. Right...

You won't remember these simple times, and maybe I won't either. The sweet dimple that forms when you smile at me because you're waiting for me to wake up, the mornings you climb into bed with me to "scoopie" with me, the screams of Jaiden "let me out of here!" (all in the form of screams) from the closet where he sleeps (our master closet is the size of a room, so we keep him there), and the funny conversations you and I have all the time.

I don't know what you'll remember, but after all is said and done, I hope you remember who you are, and how much I love you.

your Mommy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A place to belong

It's raining hard outside and the wind's blowing.
I'm really grateful that I have a place to BELONG.
I'm grateful that I have people who need me.
People who depend on me.
I'm needed and loved.
I have people who would worry if I wasn't where I needed to be,
I have loved ones who EXPECT me to be in a certain place, at a certain time.
I'm grateful to have a place that I belong.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Simple things

Garage Sale tomorrow!

I walked down to the street corner to post a sign today.
I'm so blessed to be here in the USA!
If you've lived in any other country besides the USA, you'd know what I'm talking about.

We're allowed to post signs on the street corners!
We're allowed to sell things from our garage or the street corners (lemonades)!

Whenever I see a garage sale, I get so happy.
I'm so happy to live in a FREE country.

Yay for America!
(2719 Skyview Cove Ct.
Sat. 4/17 8-3pm
rain or shine)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pumpkin/Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins

Pumpkin/Sweet Potato Chocolate Chip Muffins-makes 36
Printable Pumpkin Muffin Recipe

4 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 (16 oz.) can pureed pumpkin or 16 oz. mashed sweet potato (without butter, salt, or milk)
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup oil
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
1 package chocolate chips (I often use less when I happen to have only a partial bag)

In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs, sugar, pumpkin, and oil until smooth. In a separate bowl, whisk dry ingredients together. Add dry ingredients to liquid ingredients, and stir just until combined. Fold in chocolate chips. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake 16-20 minutes at 350 degrees.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sympathy blog

sometimes, I just need to announce to the whole world what I just went through, so that I can get it off my chest and get some (hopefully) sympathy. Women need that from each other, right?

I learned a valuable lesson today on my way from my eye DR. visit.
Kai had been complaining about a stomach ache all during our 45min. trip to and from the Dr's...
he kept whining...then huffing and puffing...(you all know how this is when you're bumper to bumper in traffic and you're trying to get somewhere without getting LOST, right?? REALLY ANNOYING) then finally he starts crying.

"Quiet, Kai! What is it?! Tell me!! What?! Your tummy hurts?! Well, I can't do anything about it...stop crying Kai! Quit it!!!!"

I had no idea that he was NOT lying today.
(not that he normally does, but you all know kids)
I thought he was just trying to get out of his seat, he even unbuckled himself and began moving around the car while I'm speeding down the freeway. GASP.
Needless to say, I was not very nice.
Anyway, 5 minutes away from finally getting home (this is two hours after he had first began complaining of his stomach ache), he began crying LOUDER.
"Stop it...we're almost home..."
Then a cough,
then a dry heave...
OH...OH DEAR....OH...
look back, look at the road, "oh dear..." look back, look at the car in front of me, stomp on the brakes...

So, this is my first time...
instead of cleaning it right away, I sit here blogging.
great mom.
I did bathe him though, and he's now watching a movie.
Good, right?
So do I really have to go out there to clean it all up now?!
On top of all that, good on me cuz, I had all kinds of junk and clothes piled right under his seat...lovely
Maybe I should listen to ronny more...
"clean your car!"

OK ok, I'll get out there....
what do I need?
disinfectants, windex, toilet cleaner, odor remover, lysol, bacteria infectant thingy, gloves,
maybe just a BIG trash bag to put the whole car into???
I think I want a new car now.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Missed the first posts in this series? Read them here.

I’m going to make a bold statement: I believe everyone should use coupons.

There. I said it.

Wait. I take my statement back. If you are one of the .0002 people in America who have never touched food unless it was grown in your own yard, you make toothpaste out of tree bark and use cloth toilet paper, then I’ll exempt you.

But the rest of you? You’re non-exempt.

And I know some of you are making excuses right now and explaining why you’re the exception to my rule. Well, give me a chance to address your excuses and see if I can’t change your mind just a tiny little bit.

Excuse #1: I Don’t Eat Processed Food

Newsflash: Coupons are not just for junk food.

In fact, there are often coupons available for fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, flour,baking soda, toothbrushes, razors, toilet paper, and light bulbs.

Like I said earlier, unless you literally grow all your own food, make all your household products from scratch, and you use cloth instead of disposable for all paper products, there are likely at least 10-15 items you routinely buy which you could get for much less if you used coupons.

In addition, once you become adept at using coupons, you will usually regularly happen upon deals which give you overage. Even if your family doesn’t use the item which gives overage, you could buy it to donate and then use the overage to purchase items your family does use.

Excuse #2: I Tried Using Coupons and Didn’t Save Any Money

If you buy your Sunday paper, clip all the coupons and then use them all on your next shopping trip, you’re not going to save any money. Instead, you’d probably end up buying a lot of over-priced items you won’t use or wouldn’t normally buy and end up spending a considerable amount more than you save.

That’s not how to use coupons.

Using coupons wisely requires strategy and patience. In most cases, it involves waiting until an item is at its rock-bottom price and then pairing it with a coupon (and perhaps even a catalina deal!) so that you get it for pennies on the dollar–or even more than free!

Excuse #3: I Don’t Have Time to Use Coupons

Life is busy and there are constantly a hundred demands pulling us in different directions. The thought of adding in something extra like clipping coupons might be overwhelming–but it doesn’t have to be.

How Much Is Your Time Worth?

One of my favorite ways to evaluate whether a money-saving idea or technique is worth my time is to evaluate it in terms of an hourly wage. For instance, if it saves our family $30-$50 and requires an hour’s worth of work, it is totally worth my time.

Coupons are worth my time because when I put in an hour’s worth of time, I’m usually saving $40-$75 for doing so. That sounds like a pretty good hourly wage to me!

Yes, it takes a bit of time to learn the ropes. Don’t expect that you’ll go out tomorrow and save 90% off your grocery bill if you’ve never used a coupon in your life.

However, it doesn’t have to take hours of your week. In fact, I think that you can see significant savings by committing to spend an extra hour each week to checking the sales fliers, making a menu plan and grocery list, clipping coupons, and mapping out your shopping route.

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be sharing tips and techniques for obtaining, organizing and using coupons effectively to make the most of your time and maximize your savings. Slowly implement the ideas I share, find out what works best for you and reap the rewards of money saved!


Moves (relocations)
I do love them.
I get antsy every few years to move and have a new start. I love meeting new people and becoming friends with awesome people who have so much to offer and teach me.
I've never been in one place more than 3 years, and quite honestly, I do enjoy it that way. I've met some really neat people.

Here's all where I've moved in my life.

Orem, Utah (born there)
Chicago, IL,
Shin-Osaka, Japan
Kobe, Japan
Texas (for a few months)
Kyoto, Japan
Atlanta, GA
Mesa, AZ (Elmwood St)
Hobart St
Melchin Home-age 19 (move into friend's house)
Hobart St. (live on my own)
Greenfield St. (live with Roommate)
Lowther Home (friend's home)
Ricedorff Home (friend's home)
Provo, UT (MTC for two months-which doesn't really count!)
Santiago, Chile (moved 4-6 times there-doesn't really count)
Gilbert, AZ
Salem, UT
Coeur d' Alene, ID
Spokane, WA
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Webster, TX
Houston, TX

That's about 20 moves (not counting the MTC and in Chile) in FOUR different countries! WHOA!
Good thing I enjoy moving too, since we project that we'll have to move every 3-4 years in the Coast Guard!
Oh, the places we'll go!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Goodbye, Glasses

I finally did it.
Lasik, that is.
I don't have to put them on anymore,
those bi-focals, that is.

17 years of blindness without them,
I'm getting used to my "raisin eyes,"
I can see! I can see!
Whoa, my house is dirtier than I thought!

Now, I can snuggle my face into those chubby bellies of my babies.
Now, I can cuddle with Ronny without yelling at him that he'll get them smeared
Now, I can see my hairy legs when I shave, maybe I'd miss less now that I can see

Five minutes of laser beams burning my eye balls, and that's all it took, (and a butt load of savings)

Thank you Ronny,
I can now see.