Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Guest Room

I'm pretty excited about this room!
We're expecting our first visitors of the year, followed by my mom and family and then Lundy!!
So I HAD to get our guest room pretty and nice!

I wanted a cozy, comfortable, relaxing and inviting feel--so my theme is...

OK-so we already had our guest, but here are the pics finally! :)


  1. It looks great!!! My guest room is just a bed with ALL brown bedding and one picture on the wall. HAHA! I'm laughing, because I feel bad I don't even have curtains up.. .and it's in the basement. Ah shucks I better get on that.

  2. Wow! It looks amazing Monika! What a relaxing guest room... here people have to tough it out on (their own) air mattress in one of the kids' rooms : (.
