Sunday, November 14, 2010


O-hoy hoy! I'm home!
Japan was good.
I learned a lot and felt a lot of things.
All good things.
It all seemed like a dream, to be there with my biological family, including my mother! It was truly a dream come true.
(photo above: Oba-chan (my grandmother), my mom, and me!)

Who do I have to thank for the amazing time?
so many people.

Thank you Oji-chan and Oba-chan, my aunts and uncles, thank you mom, thank you to those who helped my family while I was away in any way. (Marnie and Brett, that's you)
and thank you RONNY.

He watched the kids 24/7 for the whole 12 days I was gone.
Yes, he missed me.
He said the kids were more wild and harder to take care of than last year.
I laughed.
He said of all the 20 (estimation) things he had planned to get done around the house, he got done maybe ONE.
I laughed.
He said he's pretty tired and needs a vacation from that vacation.
I laughed.
He told me how grateful he was of me.
He found himself getting LONELY,
I laughed.
Now he will understand my late night PILLOW TALKS.

He said he was ECSTATIC when he had visitors.
It's true.
Then the visitors complimented on "how clean the house was."
"why, thank you!"
he thought.
then he realized: I don't give enough compliments and "thank you's" to Monika.
That was nice, although I still laughed.

All in all, I've decided that I need to do this more often! ;)
I love you Ronny.
Thank you.

(left: Oji-chan (grandpa) me, Oba-chan, and mom)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted this. I was wondering how your trip was.

    Incredible, from the looks of it. What an amazing thing to be able to do!
