Well, so many things have happened since the last time I wrote.
a lot of things.
1. We were denied all 16 places we put on our "dream list" to move from here. After all, it was our time to move; no, really. We move every 4 years in the Coast Guard.
However, dreams to move closer to family were dashed and we were extended to stay here another year. Next Summer we will try again to get back to the west coast.
I cried when I found out we were going to stay. My current calling in the church can be overwhelmingly heavy. However, after much thought, I know it is a blessing. I am now grateful for this blessing to stay, to serve another year.
2. Ronny and I watched "the Help" last night. What a story. Not only for the abuse the African Americans have been through, but for one particular truth it shared.
"The truth shall set you free"
have you ever thought about that?
If you've ever carried a dark secret,
if you've ever been through something horrific,
you know what this means. You really understand it.
[I'm ready to talk.]
I have written a book.
It's called
Monibuta (Mo-knee-bu-tah)
It's about my childhood that most no one knows about.
It's about trials and dark times.
However, that is not the point of the book.
I talk about how God led me through it.
How He carried me through it all.
How I cried. How I felt his love. How I overcame. How I struggle still.
It's about the things I learned and continue to learn.
I have been asked to speak again. This time I get to travel up north to a group of sisters in Conroe.
what a blessing.
This time, I'm sharing more of what I learned and how I got through my darkest hours, sleeping in the "dungeon."
The truth shall set you free.
I don't want to hurt anyone, but I want to be free.
3. I am SO incredibly blessed. and I'm not just saying that.
I have the most supportive husband.
I have the most-loving-children.
But lately, I've been thinking...
I have the most amazing calling.
I have the most amazing sisters.
They are daughters of a King.
I hold them up to a higher light and expect so much more out of them than they could ever imagine for themselves.
I am so blessed to be a median by which the Lord shares His immense love for His daughters.
How did I get so blessed?
I tell them as often as I can of the love the Lord has for each one of them.
I hope they can feel it. They are, every one of them, so very special.
4. It's "QUIET TIME" right now.
My kids obviously do not know the meaning of it.
It's good to be back.
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